Pet Supplement Manufacturing Blog

Top Certifications to Look for in a Pet Supplement Manufacturer

Written by Pet Tech Labs Team | 06/03/2024

Choosing a quality manufacturer is the key to success in the pet supplement industry. The right manufacturing partner will help you source the best ingredients, navigate regulations, and more. However, you must research your options carefully to find the most reputable and reliable manufacturers.

Certifications are one of the most important criteria when comparing pet supplement manufacturers. Companies earn these credentials by complying with industry standards and producing high-quality supplements. Certifications also build customer trust and loyalty, which may drive higher sales. Here are the top certifications to look for when choosing a pet supplement manufacturer. 

Current Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Certified Supplements

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) oversees the manufacturing of animal foods and dietary supplements in the United States. The organization requires manufacturers of these products to follow its Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) regulations

cGMPs govern the production, handling, and storage of animal food and supplements. The Code of Federal Regulations Title 21, Part 507 outlines these rules, which include: 

  • Employees must practice good hygiene and have adequate training to manufacture and handle animal products. 
  • Manufacturing facilities must properly maintain their equipment, buildings, and grounds. 
  • Manufacturers must take effective measures to prevent pests from contaminating their products. 
  • Facilities must have a written food safety plan. 
  • Certain pet products must have a written recall plan. 
  • Companies should thoroughly document their preventative controls and quality assurance processes.

The National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) offers GMP certification for pet supplement manufacturers. The foundation audits manufacturing facilities to verify that they comply with industry standards for cleanliness, equipment maintenance, and staff training. 

Choosing a GMP-certified manufacturer offers many benefits. This credential demonstrates that the manufacturer prioritizes quality and safety.  Customers may also feel more confident buying GMP-certified supplements because they know these products are consistent and trustworthy. 

National Animal Supplement Council (NASC) Approved Supplements

The National Animal Supplement Council (NASC) is a professional association for pet supplement manufacturers. The organization’s mission centers on “ensuring ethical manufacturing and labeling practices are complied with throughout the industry.” 

Manufacturers can apply for permission to place the NASC Quality Seal on their supplement labels. Approved companies must meet these strict criteria, among others: 

  • Develop written standard operating procedures to maintain quality throughout the production process
  • Follow strict labeling rules
  • Include warnings on product labels for certain ingredients as recommended by the FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine and the NASC Scientific Advisory Committee
  • Pass random product tests by an independent laboratory
  • Pass a third-party audit every two years
  • Participate in mandatory annual training

Many veterinarians, pet stores, and other distributors prefer to stock NASC-approved supplements. Selecting a manufacturer that creates these prestigious products can expand your reach. The NASC Quality Seal also builds consumer trust and increases transparency. 

The NASC currently has over 300 members, including FoodScience—the parent company of Pet Tech Labs. The council’s website includes a directory of preferred suppliers to help brands search for potential partners.  

NSF Certified Dietary Supplements

The NSF is an international third-party organization that monitors the quality of dietary supplements for humans and pets. The foundation aims to “ensure the highest level of facility management and product quality for the dietary and nutritional product industries.” 

Along with GMP Certification, the NSF offers these certification programs for supplement manufacturers:

  • Amazon Dietary Supplements Policy Certification: This organization verifies that products meet Amazon’s dietary supplement policy. Brands must comply with this policy to sell pet supplements through the online retailer.
  • CBD and Hemp Product Certification: The NSF certifies safe, high-quality hemp and CBD products. Manufacturers must demonstrate that their products comply with NSF safety guidelines and don’t have unacceptable levels of contaminants. 
  • Product and Ingredient Certification: This certification verifies that dietary supplements use pure and safe ingredients. Products must pass a thorough assessment for microorganisms, mycotoxins, pesticides, and toxic elements. The foundation also checks that the amount and identity of dietary ingredients match the product label. 
  • Supplement and Vitamin Certification: The NSF certifies high-quality dietary supplements and vitamins. The certification process includes three steps. First, the organization tests the product’s composition and performs a label claim review. Next, they conduct a toxicology review to detect harmful elements. Finally, the NSF assesses the supplement for harmful or undeclared contaminants. 

Each certification requires rigorous testing and auditing. These steps give pet owners peace of mind when buying dietary supplements. Customers can trust that NSF-certified products comply with industry standards and have passed strict quality and safety checks.  

Third-Party Testing and Quality Assurance

Many laboratories offer third-party testing for pet supplements. These companies evaluate the composition, potency, and purity of the products. Tests verify that manufacturers use high-quality ingredients that match the claims on the label. 

Third-party laboratories are important for quality assurance. They provide unbiased verification of a supplement’s purity and analysis. These businesses also provide guidance to help brands improve their products. 

Look for a pet supplement manufacturer that conducts thorough third-party testing for all products. These tests boost your brand reputation and make the manufacturing process more transparent for customers. Third-party testing can also help you differentiate your brand from competitors who don’t have the same high-quality assurance standards. 

Related Content: 5 Benefits of Selling High-Quality Animal Supplements

Choose a Reputable Pet Supplement Manufacturer

When looking to partner with a pet supplement supplier, certifications can help you narrow your search and find your ideal manufacturing partner. Look for companies with GMP, NASC, NSF, and third-party approval

These credentials demonstrate that manufacturers create beneficial, high-quality, and thoroughly tested pet supplements. They also prove that companies follow manufacturing best practices and industry regulations. As a result, customers may trust your brand more. 

Both brands and pet owners should prioritize products from manufacturers with reputable certifications. You can rest easy knowing that you’ll receive consistent, beneficial supplements that support pets’ overall well-being.