Written By: Pet Tech Labs Team
As a business owner, you're undoubtedly passionate about what's on your store shelves or e-commerce listings. You know you want high-quality products your customers can rely on that are made from clean, effective ingredients.
However, you might not have time in your schedule to become an armchair chemist, learning the ins and outs of every single thing in every supplement you sell. This is where a trustworthy partnership comes in: a supplement manufacturer with an in-house formulator on staff. These experts spend their time and energy working on supplement formulas until they end up with something high-quality and effective — just the kind of product you want to put into your customers' hands.
Simply put, when your manufacturer has hired an in-house formulator, you're likely to end up with supplements you're proud to put your branding on.
Not just anyone can make top-notch supplements. It is a science and an art, and formulators are trained to possess the skills required to do the job well.
Skilled formulators often hold degrees in animal nutrition, and their educational backgrounds in this or a related field equips them with the knowledge to aid in every step of the pet supplement manufacturing process. A formulator has a hand in each step of the journey, from research and development to product creation.
Manufacturing companies bring these experts on staff for multiple reasons, and three of the most noteworthy are:
Quality and price often go head-to-head for the title of a supplement vendor's number-one priority. Most of the time, however, quality comes out on top. Brands want to sell products they feel good sticking their logos on, and sourcing supplements from manufacturers with in-house formulators helps them do just that.
An in-house formulator is part of the pet supplement manufacturing process from the beginning. They choose which high-quality ingredients get included in the supplement formula, vet where each of these ingredients came from, and decide how much of each goes into every batch.
Being so familiar with the supplement recipe also means the formulator knows how to recreate it over and over again and produce a product that always tastes and performs the same way. That brings consistency to your brand. When people see the product with your brand name on it, they know it won't come with any surprises — only the formula that their pets know and love.
When companies search for a private-label pet supplement to sell, shelf life is a factor that holds plenty of weight.
This is another area where the in-house formulator showcases their abilities. Using factors like processing or storage conditions and the use of preservatives, formulators can figure out how long a bottle or bag of pet supplements can sit on a shelf or in a pantry before losing its freshness or effectiveness.
Flavor is a crucial part of the equation when it comes to selling pet supplements. It doesn't matter how nutritious or beneficial a product is, if the pet won't eat it, the odds of its owner making a repeat purchase are slim to none.
Formulators know which tastes, textures, and scents a pet is most likely to consume and enjoy. Hypothesizing what flavors a wide range of animals might find delicious isn't an easy feat, but it is a significant one. The more palatable a supplement is, the more easily the animal will consume it and the more consistent the intended results will be.
Pet supplement manufacturing companies know how serious pet owners are about what goes into their animals' bodies. That's why they stay up-to-date on what is happening in the pet nutrition industry. Keeping up with the trends and knowing what kinds of supplements are in or out helps manufacturers determine what ingredients and formulas will not only be the best for pets but the most profitable for business owners, too.
Part of an in-house formulator's job is staying aware of global pet food trends. Then, using what they have learned about pets' nutritional needs and the trends or new information surrounding them, they create new or adjust existing supplement formulas. The formulator's innovative revamped or brand-new formulas are key to staying ahead in the competitive pet supplement market.
The rising popularity of pet foods and supplements made from healthful, easy-to-understand ingredients is a prime example of how trend-driven the pet nutrition market can be. In recent years, many pet owners have pivoted to products containing no artificial ingredients. Pet food manufacturers have met their customers where they are, offering up new and improved recipes. Some pet supplement manufacturers have followed suit, tasking their in-house formulators with coming up with a solution that's tailored to their target audience's needs.
When working with a pet supplement manufacturer, do your due diligence by making sure it has a skilled in-house formulator. Formulators add undeniable value to the manufacturing process for the three reasons listed above — ensuring product quality, maintaining product stability, and giving the supplements a flavor that pets can enjoy — and for many more.
Tags: pet health, pet supplements
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Pet Tech Labs® sets the gold standard for companies looking for top-quality pet supplements and private labeling or contract manufacturing solutions
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