Pet Supplement Manufacturing Blog

White Labeling Pet Products vs. Private Labeling: What Is the Difference?

Written by Pet Tech Labs Team | 07/26/2024

If you plan to start or grow your pet supplement business, you’ll need to learn the industry jargon. Manufacturers often use the phrases “white label pet products” and “private label pet products” to describe their supplements. Some manufacturers also offer an option called “custom formulations.” But what do these terms mean, and is there a difference between them? 

This article unpacks the meaning of each term and explores the differences between them. Understanding these options will help you choose the right products and manufacturing partner for your pet supplement business. 

What Are White Label Pet Products and How Do They Work?

White label pet products are generic goods manufactured by one company and sold under the name of another. Despite the name, these products don’t actually come with white labels—companies brand them with their own colors and logos. 

Here’s an example of what the white-label process looks like for pet supplements: 

  • A manufacturer creates a high-quality joint supplement for dogs. They spend several months developing the formula, testing the product, and meeting quality standards. 

  • A company buys the pre-made joint supplement and markets the product under its branding. 

White labeling offers many benefits for pet supplement businesses. First, these products require minimal investment from companies. You can buy existing high-quality formulas instead of spending money developing new supplements. This strategy reduces upfront expenses and increases profit margins. 

Additionally, choosing white label supplements lets you focus on other aspects of your business. Instead of tinkering with formulas, you can devote your full attention to devising the perfect marketing and sales strategies. You’ll also have more time to provide top-notch customer service. Concentrating on these tasks instead of manufacturing can give you a competitive edge in the pet supplement market. 

Finally, white labeling makes it easy to scale your business. An experienced manufacturer has the resources to ramp up production if your sales spike. They can also scale back during slower periods, saving you money. 

What Are Private Label Pet Products and How Are They Different?

Private label pet products are stock formulas created by a manufacturer and marketed by a brand under its name. Manufacturers often use this term interchangeably with white label products for turnkey supplements. 

If you’re looking for something truly unique to your business, Pet Tech Labs offers custom formulations as a separate service. We develop these supplements from scratch based on the client’s vision and specifications. Custom formulas cost more and typically take longer to develop than private label supplements, but some brands prefer the flexibility and control this option offers. 

Explore our private label and custom formula guides for an in-depth exploration of each service, or read on for a brief overview of the differences between the two.

Private Label Pet Products vs. Custom Formulations: Which Is Right for You?

Choosing between private label and custom formulas is one of the first decisions you’ll make when starting a pet supplement business. Here are a few considerations to help you pick the best option. 


You may wonder, “Does it really take that much longer to develop a custom formulation?” The answer is yes — and the difference can be significant. 

Creating a custom supplement involves many steps. The manufacturer must research, develop, test, and refine the formula for you. They also need to comply with quality and safety standards. The average turnaround time for this complex process starts at 12 to 16 weeks

Selecting a pre-made private label supplement lets you skip all these steps, speeding up the process dramatically. You can often start marketing your product in a few weeks, though timelines vary by project. This quicker option can help you capitalize on an emerging trend or capture a niche audience. 


Another common question is, “What’s the price difference between private label and custom pet supplements?” 

Custom pet formulas usually cost more than private label products. The manufacturer charges the client a higher fee for research, prototyping, testing, and other steps. They may also need to repeat steps if the formula doesn’t meet quality standards or customer expectations, driving up costs. 

If you choose an existing supplement, you only pay for the finished product, reducing upfront expenses. 

Necessary Expertise 

You don’t need a Ph.D. in biochemistry or nutrition to sell custom or private label supplements. However, custom formulas require more expertise to develop high-quality products, and formulators must understand how to create appealing pet supplements, source clean ingredients, and more. An experienced manufacturer can guide you through this process, but you should still have a solid foundation in these subjects if you pursue a custom formulation. 

The Final Verdict 

A private label pet supplement might be right for your business if you: 

  • Want to enter the market quickly
  • Don’t have a lot of resources to invest upfront 
  • Prefer to focus on marketing 
  • Want to test the market for a new product 

On the other hand, you might prefer a custom formula if you: 

  • Have a novel supplement in mind
  • Want to differentiate your brand with a unique product 
  • Prefer to have total control over the manufacturing process 

How To Choose a Manufacturer for Private Label Pet Products

Many manufacturers offer white or private label pet supplements. Consider these factors as you compare options: 

  • Manufacturing capabilities: The manufacturer should have the ability to scale production quickly. 

  • Quality and consistency standards: A company producing white label pet products in the USA should follow Current Good Manufacturing Practice regulations

  • Certifications: Look for a manufacturer certified by the National Animal Supplement Council

  • MOQs: Choose a manufacturer with a low minimum order quantity (MOQ) to reduce upfront costs. 

Choosing the Right Formula

Pet supplement manufacturers can offer white label, private label, or custom formulas. Understanding the nuances of these approaches will help you make informed choices for your supplement business. Contact a reputable manufacturer like Pet Tech Labs to schedule a free consultation and discuss your options.